The most extraordinary look at madness since One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Highly original and darkly funny, Clare Allan’s debut novel explores the relationship between N., a patient in a mental institution, and Poppy Shakespeare, a new and disturbingly ‘sane’ arrival who finds herself having to feign mental illness in order to be released.
If you are already reading or would like to start reading Shakespeare, but feel a little intimidated by the language, this is the book for you. Author David Crystal, an expert in the English language, has put together over 14,000 words that usually cause people trouble while reading Shakespeare. With this reference you will truly understand the language of Shakespeare.
Baby Einstein: Baby Shakespeare - World of Poetry («Мир поэзии») Захватывающее 30-минутное исследование слов, обычных для младенцев и малышей. Видео дополняют стихи, фотографии, прекрасная классическая музыка, короткие кукольные сценки.
Baby Shakespeare combines poetry with the usual mix of festive classical music, bright objects, and happy thoughts designed to stimulate young minds.
14 Lectures SeriesProf. Harold Bloom, Yale University Shakespeare’s seven great tragedies contain unmistakable elements that set them apart from any other plays ever written. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare embodied in the character of Juliet the world’s most impressive representation ever of a woman in love. With Julius Caesar, the great playwright produced a drama of astonishing and perpetual relevance. In Hamlet, Shakespeare created a character with the most brilliant mind in all of literature.
It might be convenient for students of Shakespeare to have some readily accessible recodings of Shakespeare songs in performance. These are taken off old vinyl LP's, some of them no longer obtainable