This study deals with syntactic structure both in the board sense(as opposed to semantics)and the narrow sense(as opposed to phonemics and morphology). It forms part of an attempt to construct a formalized general theory of linguistic structure and to explore the foundations of such a theory.
No nation in modern history has had a more powerful sense of its
own distinctiveness than the United States. Yet few Americans understand
the immensely varied sources of that sense and the fascinating debates
that have always swirled around our attempts to define "American"
with greater precision. All too many have come to regard the study
of their national history as tedious, just as they fail to embrace
the past as something in which they must be consciously grounded.
In this introduction to the study of U.S. history, Wilfred M. McClay
invites us to experience the perennial freshness and vitality of
this great subject as he explores some of the enduring commitments
and persistent tensions that have made America what it is.
Robert C. Solomon, Not Passion's Slave: Emotions and Choice
The idea that we are in some significant sense responsible for our emotions is
an idea that Robert Solomon has developed for almost three decades. Here, in
a single volume, he traces the development of this theory of emotions and
elaborate it in detail. Two themes run through his work: the first presents
a "cognitive" theory of emotions in which emotions are construed primarily as
evaluative judgments. The second proposes an "existentialist" perspective in
which he defends the idea that, as we are responsible for our emotions.
Indeed, sometimes it even makes sense to say that we "choose" them.
CZYTAMY W ORYGINALE (2005) [Audiobooks + texts + tests]
"Treasure Island" Audio and Books "Dracula" Audio and Books "A Christmas Carol" Audio and Books "White Fang" Audio and Books "Lord Jim" Audio and Books "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" Audio and Books "The Wonderfull Wizard of Oz" Audio and Books "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" Audio and Books "Robinson Crusoe" Audio and Books "Gullivers Travels" Audio and Books "The Secret Garden" Audio and Books "Sense and Sensibility" Audio and Books "Moby Dick" Audio and Books "Pollyanna" Audio and Books "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Audio and Books "The Last of Mohicans" Audio and Books "Peter Pan" Audio and Books and more
Discovering Islam - Making Sense Of Muslim History And Society
Added by: wjwj1 | Karma: 227.98 | Fiction literature | 24 September 2007
Ahmed, Akbar - Discovering Islam - Making Sense Of Muslim History And Society Discovering Islam is a classic account of how the history of Islam and its relations with the west have shaped Islamic society today.