Technology: A Closer Look provides information on all types of technology including media, transportation, entertainment, and medical technology for children in kindergarten to second grade.
Life sails along smoothly on beautiful St. Thomas for Abby Melrose Bellavance, or so she thinks. That is, until her husband Remy steals her trust fund and disappears for parts unknown. Now, with five million reasons to write off men for good, she returns to Charleston, broke and groveling at her mother’s feet.
Living again in the opulent mansion on South Battery, Abby is thrown another curve ball. Her mother passes away, leaving Abby with an enormous home but no money to support it.
Over 40,000 officials from at least 190 countries and various international organisations have been in Paris, in France. There, they took part in the UN's annual climate change conference. In this issue of Newsademic, we explain what the talks are about, the different viewpoints and possible solutions. In other parts of the world Akatsuki, the Japanese spacecraft, has succeeded in reaching Venus on its second attempt. We also feature the falling price of oil, the discovery of a treasure ship in Colombia and what could happen to all the bananas that we buy in the shops.
On Second Language Writing brings together internationally recognized scholars in a collection of original articles that, collectively, delineate and explore central issues with regard to theory, research, instruction, assessment, politics, articulation with other disciplines, and standards. In recent years, there has been a dramatic growth of interest in second-language writing and writing instruction in many parts of the world.