Ten unique programs for fat loss, muscle gain, and strength improvement for beginners and elite lifters. The New Rules of Lifting, now in paperback and with more than one hundred photographs, gives you more than a year’s worth of workouts based on these six basic movements. Whether you’re a beginner, an experienced lifter looking for new challenges, or anything in between, you can mix and match the workouts to help you get bigger, stronger, and leaner. In addition, the comprehensive nutritional information provided makes The New Rules of Lifting a complete guide to reaching all your goals.
Rules for Renegades: Rules for Renegades: How to Make More Money, Rock Your Career, and Revel in Your Individuality
Renegade entrepreneur-and runaway success story-Christine Comaford-Lynch has lived the kind of life most of us can only dream about. From model to monk to multimillionaire, she does what she wants-and gets things done.
The Newnes Know It All Series takes the best of what our authors have written to create hard-working desk references that will be an engineer's first port of call for key information, design techniques and rules of thumb. Guaranteed not to gather dust on a shelf!