You’d think being a Prince in a vast intergalactic empire would be about as good as it gets. Particularly when Princes are faster, smarter, and stronger than normal humans. Not to mention being mostly immortal. But it isn’t as great as it sounds. Princes need to be hard to kill—as Khemri learns the minute he becomes one—for they are always in danger. Their greatest threat? Other Princes. Every Prince wants to become Emperor, and the surest way to do so is to kill, dishonor, or sideline any potential competitor. There are rules, but as Khemri discovers, rules can be bent and even broken.
In her #1 New York Times Bestseller If Life is a Game, These are the Rules, audio series, Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott gave us ten rules for conquering lifes challenges and managing its unpredictable ups and downs. Now, in If Love is a Game, These are the Rules, she presents and discusses ten simple rules to help us find true love and create long-lasting, authentic relationships. After 25 years of conducting workshops and seminars, Dr. Carter-Scott has discovered that the most important, and often the most difficult, part of the human experience is partnership. Everyone is either looking for love, or trying to find a way to sustain and feed the love they already have.
Rules of Thumb for Business Writers, Second Edition
Rules of Thumb for Business Writers offers busy professionals solutions to most on-the-job writing challenges. Brief, to-the-point chapters cover all the basics, including reports, resumes, speeches, memos, letters, and PowerPoint, with tips for meeting deadlines and managing paper flow. This edition contains new information on Internet research and communications technology, with examples, sample documents, and a resource list.
Rules of Thumb: A Guide for Writers, Seventh Edition
Brevity and practicality are the hallmarks of Rules of Thumb. Reflecting the most current MLA, APA, and Chicago documentation styles, the seventh edition remains the ideal handbook for improving grammar without overwhelming student writers with specialized terminology.
Part 1, “The Basics: Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar,” Part 2, “Putting a Paper Together,” Part 3, “The Research Paper,” Part 4, “Style,”
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 13 December 2011
The Odes of Horace
This groundbreaking new translation of Horace's most widely read collection of poetry is rendered in modern, metrical English verse rather than the more common free verse found in many other translations. Jeffrey H. Kaimowitz adapts the Roman poet's rich and metrically varied poetry to English formal verse, reproducing the works in a way that maintains fidelity to the tone, timbre, and style of the originals while conforming to the rules of English prosody. Each poem is true to the sense and aesthetic pleasure of the Latin and carries with it the dignity, concision, and movement characteristic of Horace's writing.