Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
Are you looking to enrich a healthy relationship, revitalize a tired one, or rescue one gone awry? We all want a lifetime of love, support, and companionship. But sometimes we need a little help. In Hold Me Tight, Dr. Johnson shares her groundbreaking and remarkably successful program for creating stronger, more secure relationships.
English Test Driver is an educational program for increasing your English vocabulary. It has good instruments both for acquiring and testing the knowledge of English words. The program appears in the form of a car racing game in which your race position means a certain grade. Racing the tests you also gain points and bonuses for speed and accuracy of your performance.
Top Notch is a dynamic six-level course for international communication with the flexibility to fit any teaching situation. Top Notch uses the natural language that people really speak. Its rock-solid learner-centered approach allows students to confirm their progress at the end of every concise two-page lesson.
An in-depth guide to global program management This practical resource offers proven strategies for directing the design, development, delivery, and monitoring of major, long-term business or agency programs in global markets. Global Program Management reflects the movement of the field to a broader, more global, and enterprise-wide perspective.
The Behavior Education Program (BEP) was developed for the approximately 10–15% of students who fail to meet schoolwide disciplinary expectations but do not yet require intensive, individualized services. Clear, step-by-step guidelines are provided for implementing the approach, which incorporates daily behavioral feedback, positive adult attention, and increased home–school collaboration. In a large-size format with lay-flat binding to facilitate photocopying, the book includes reproducible daily progress reports, handouts, and planning tools.