Learn English Through Song is 16 MP3 songs and 35 pdf worksheets. They are written for grammar comprehension (structure and function) with common vocabulary themes. Learners enhance their pronunciation from using the songs with rythm and rhyme while subconsciously processing the grammatical structures. The result is accelerated learning. Make learning English fun for learners. For Learners of pre-intermediate to advanced levels.
At the outset of Jacques Barzun's colossal book From Dawn to Decadence 1500 to the Present: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life, the author admits that when asked by friends how long he has been writing his book, he can only answer-a lifetime. All of Western life and thought can be found somewhere in From Dawn to Decadence. Portraits of Martin Luther, Shakespeare, Descartes, Florence Nightingale and James Joyce jostle alongside snapshots of cities at turning points in history.
Edited by: arcadius - 9 February 2010
Reason: category changed from Fiction to Non-Fiction
In everyday life, knot has many practical uses that are usually overlooked such as shoelacing. In sports and activities like sailing and rock climbing, a knot can mean life or death. Knot now plays an important role in modern surgery too. A logical extension to the digital world is to model these objects in virtual space. We present an interactive system for designing knots that combines sketch-based interface and physical simulation together.
Thinking and speaking about time is ridden with puzzles and paradoxes. How do human beings conceptualize time? Why, for example, does the availability of tense vary in different languages? How do the lines of information from tense, aspect, temporal adverbs, and context interact in the mind? Does time describe events? If real time does not flow, where do the concepts of the past, present and future come from? Are they basic concepts or are they composed out of more primitive constituents?
The purpose of this book is to present, examine, evaluate, and explain the role and place of the state bureaucracy in society and public administration of Russia under three regimes-the tsarist, the Soviet, and the present or post-Soviet.