Jocelyn Kaiser
Science 13 June 2008: 1404.
After a year of gathering advice on how to improve its overloaded peer-review system, the U.S. National Institutes of Health last week unveiled a plan to ease the workload on both applicants and reviewers and to help young investigators.
FUSION RESEARCH: Design Changes Will Increase ITER Reactor's Cost
Daniel Clery
Science 13 June 2008: 1405.
This month, funders of the €10 billion ITER fusion project, which seeks to demonstrate that a burning plasma can be controlled to produce useful energy, face the daunting task of keeping the project's budget under control, as scientists present a wish list of design changes.
NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH: Changes in Peer Review Target Young Scientists, HeavyweightsGEOLOGY: Two Years On, a Mud Volcano Still Rages--and Bewilders
Dennis Normile
Science 13 June 2008: 1406.
As a disastrous mud eruption on Indonesia's Java Island marks its second anniversary, the unprecedented event continues to stir debate about whether it resulted from an exploratory gas well drilling accident or a distant earthquake and how long it will last.
GEOLOGY: Unstoppable
Dennis Normile
Science 13 June 2008: 1407.
The Indonesian mud volcano Lusi is unique in its longevity and the volume of material ejected. It may also be setting records for the number of failed attempts to plug it. ...........