This book summarizes the international evidence on methodological issues in standard setting in education. By critically discussing the standard-setting practices implemented in the Nordic countries and by presenting new methodological approaches, it offers fresh perspectives on the current research. Standard setting targets crucial societal objectives by defining educational benchmarks at different achievement levels, and provides feedback to policy makers, schools and teachers about the strengths and weaknesses of a school system.
This book offers a collection of papers that were presented at the 11th International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics (ICNGL) in Freiburg. The ICNGL conference series provides an open forum for linguistic research in order to facilitate the exchange of ideas on Scandinavian and other languages, between researchers from the Nordic countries and elsewhere. The present volume has a special focus on language contact.
Added by: Starcn | Karma: 199.38 | Other | 20 June 2014
The Ultimate Nordic Pole Walking Book
The Ultimate Guide to Nordic Pole Walking contains low impact easy to learn techniques and substantial health and fitness benefits it is fast becoming one of the most popular forms of exercise in the world
This book presents a detailed analysis of the educational model in Nordic European countries. It describes the traditional idea of education for all, which can be characterized by the right for every child to have an education of equal quality in a common school for all pupils regardless of social class, abilities, gender, or ethnicity.
The History of Linguistics in the Nordic Countries
By treating the Nordic countries separately one loses the comparative perspective that is essential for understanding some basic aspects of the history of linguistics in each country and in general. The Nordic countries constitute an ideal area for comparative studies. They are not only geographically connected, they also have a relatively similar population size, many similarities in their historical development, and similar social and political systems, including the structure of academic life and academic institutions.