From the table of contents: Review of Functions; Rational Functions; Elementary Trigonometry; Graphing Trigonometric Functions; Trigonometric Identities; Advanced Trigonometric Concepts; Triangle Trigonometry; Selected Answers to the Exercises.
Liabilities and EquityThis book is the fourth of seven books which introduces the basic principles of accounting. This book introduces accounting for current liabilities, such as, notes payable, contingent liabilities, and employer responsibilities related to payroll. Long-term obligations are introduced relating to long-term notes, present and future values, annuities, and bonds. Contractual commitments and capital leases are also discussed. Accounting for corporate equity, common and preferred stock, cash and stock dividends, stock splits, treasury stock, statement of stockholders’ equity ...
Toronto Notes originated as an informal compilation of notes, developed by the University of Toronto graduating medical school class to help each other study for the MCCQE I. Twenty-six years later, it has evolved into a 1400-page textbook, a clinical handbook, and multiple online resources ranging from an online version of the text to PDA software to interactive learning tools. Toronto Notes is now sold throughout the world, and almost all Canadian medical students use Toronto Notes throughout their training.
Examination Notes in PsychiatryExamination Notes in Psychiatry now in its fourth edition is a text for psychiatry residents, psychiatrists and mental health professionals alike. This new edition maintains the core of valuable information that is required by any-would-be psychiatrist, but has been completely revised and updated. Assessment and diagnosis form the foundation of each section, but are now enhanced by the inclusion of treatment algorithms and evidence based medicine.
In editing the present volume I have thought it well to follow the same rule which I laid down for myself in editing he Study of Words, and have made no alteration in the text of Dr. Trench's work (the fifth edition). Any corrections or additions that seemed to be demanded owing to the progress of lexicographical knowledge have been reserved for the foot-notes, and these can always be distinguished from those in the original by the square brackets [thus] within which they are placed.