With English Plus, every student can practise at the right level for them, and achieve success. You'll find graded Workbook activities, photocopiable worksheets and tests, plus fast finisher exercises to stretch stronger learners. The extra Options lessons allow you to match the course to your students' interests. Choose from Extra Listening and Speaking, Curriculum Extra, Culture, Project, and new Song pages.
Added by: babakinfos | Karma: 2211.42 | Fiction literature | 1 April 2020
The Prince and the Pauper (annotated)
Tom Canty and Edward Tudor could have been identical twins. Their birthdays match, their faces match, but there the likeness stops. For Edward is a prince, heir to King Henry VIII, whilst Tom is a miserable pauper. But when fate intervenes, Edward is thrown out of the palace in rags, leaving ignorant Tom to play the part of a royal prince. Even those who have never read the novel will be familiar with Twain's classic tale of mistaken identity: at once an adventure story and a fantasy of timeless appeal.
With English Plus, every student can practise at the right level for them, and achieve success. You'll find graded Workbook activities, photocopiable worksheets and tests, plus fast finisher exercises to stretch stronger learners. The extra Options lessons allow you to match the course to your students' interests. Choose from Extra Listening and Speaking, Curriculum Extra, Culture, Project, and new Song pages.
With English Plus, every student can practise at the right level for them, and achieve success. You'll find graded Workbook activities, photocopiable worksheets and tests, plus fast finisher exercises to stretch stronger learners. The extra Options lessons allow you to match the course to your students' interests. Choose from Extra Listening and Speaking, Curriculum Extra, Culture, Project, and new Song pages.
This GetAhead in Winning at Interviews accelerated training course starts with an in-depth self-analysis process - in order that you can identify, analyze and promote your personal strengths and match these to your ideal job.