TTC - Making History: How Great Historians Interpret the Past
History is not truth. While it forms the backbone of our knowledge about the world, history is nevertheless only a version of events. History is shaped by the interpretations and perspectives of the individual historians who record it.
Talismans and How They Work A talisman, amulet, or charm is any physical object that stores and radiates a magical energy to create change. A metallic disk, stone, wand, sword, pen, paper, or television remote control can be a talisman provided that it is dedicated toward a "magical purpose. The definition of magic, however, has successfully eluded occultists for centuries.
A celebrated teacher has gathered the tried-and-true techniques used by sculptors and folk artists, and tailored them for low-tech surroundings. Work with molds; form over armatures; model or carve with concrete; and treat concrete surfaces with mosaics, embedded objects, incising, and coloring. For dazzling outdoor embellishments, craft a Birdbath, Little Lady Fountain, and more. Twenty-five projects in all.
Yevgeny Vakhtangov was the creator of Fantastic Realism, credited with reconciling Meyerhold’s bold experiments with Stanislavski’s naturalist technique. The Vakhtangov Sourcebook compiles new translations of his key writings on the art of theatre, making it the primary source of first hand material on this master of theatre in the English speaking world.
Added by: but34 | Karma: 9.00 | Black Hole | 18 August 2011
The TKT Course Training Activities
A resource CD with photocopiable activity worksheets for the ESOL Teaching Knowledge Test, making it easier to use “The TKT Course” textbook with groups.