One of the most ambitious texts to be published in dermatology for some years, this is a comprehensive guide to dermatologic conditions, classified by physical findings, and referenced to current literature. There are 284 entries, arranged alphabetically.
World Literature and Its Times, Volume 8 Classical Literature and Its Times: Profiles of Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events That Influenced Them Classical Literature and Its Times, the eighth Volume of World Literature and Its Times, is a collaborative effort that progressed through several stages of development, each monitored by outstanding experts in ancient Greek and Roman literature and history.
World Literature and Its Times, Volume 1 Latin American Literature and Its Times: Profiles of Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events That Influenced Them Latin American literature attracted unprecedented global attention in the 1960s, a volatile period in the region, one in which many of its residents were upset or challenged by the success of revolution in Cuba. Debate raged furiously across national borders, calling into question relationships long regarded as inviolable, with writers factoring themselves into the political and ...
A Handbook of Critical Approaches is one of the best books in its field. It includes the basics of literary theory, all the critical approaches are illustrated by clear and interesting examples. Indispensable for students of literature. It may be a little bit difficult to grasp for complete beginners. Some background knowledge of literary theory is required. The level of language is academic English.
"History in Literature" is a concise guide to 20th-century historical events, periods, movements and figures, and the ways they have been depicted in specific works of literature. This reference help readers to understand the historical context of 20th-century literary works. Arranged A-Z by historical event, the book allows readers to compare the factual details of an event, period or life to the literary treatment and understand how history is used for literary purposes.