Explores the theoretical and practical features, recent developments and future prospects of interest-free banking, illustrated by a detailed analysis of the past twenty-five years of the interest-free banking movement in Pakistan (1980-2005). It helps the reader to understand the model underpinning interest-free banking, based on principles of free market mechanism, efficiency, ethical investment and socio-economic justice. And it assesses the practical success of interest-free banking at individual Islamic banks and at state level, as in the case of Pakistan.
This ABC book is an illustrated alphabet book for small kids but it is not an ordinary issue as it was published in the USA in 1900. It provides ABC of Nature which is rhymed definitions for each letter and authentic pictures and Alphabet of Nature itself which is the list of words quoted in the ABC. This book could be of some interest to both kids and English rarities collectors.
Wallace Stevens and the Aesthetics of AbstractionEdward Ragg's study is the first to examine the role of abstraction throughout the work of Wallace Stevens. By tracing the poet's interest in abstraction from Harmonium through to his later works, Ragg argues that Stevens only fully appreciated and refined this interest within his later career. Ragg's detailed close-readings highlight the poet's absorption of late nineteenth century and early twentieth century painting, as well as the examples of philosophers and other poets' work.
This book reviews the current research evidence for the health benefits of a diet rich in olive oil. It focuses on the role of olive oil in reducing the incidence of certain types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes, and the effect of olive oil on the immune system. Nutritional aspects of dietary fats, in general, and of olive oil in particular, are of great interest in many nutrition-related pathologies in which they are implicated. Olive oil plays an important role in the reduction of blood cholesterol levels,...
Real Options Valuation: The Importance of Interest Rate Modelling in Theory and Practice,2 EdThis book analyzes real options valuation for non-constant versus constant interest rates using simulations and historical backtesting. It provides a systematic analysis and compares real options valuation using constant interest rates and the implied forward rates with methods that simulate interest rates stochastically.