A brand new Beginner level of the world's most trusted English course, with brand new digital resources bringing you a completely up-to-date blended Headway course.
New and updated texts and topics
Integrated skills syllabus with a clear grammar focus
iTools – an all-in-one teaching resource for the interactive classroom
iTutor and iChecker – interactive self-study discs that come with the Student's Book and the Workbook
A new four level course for today's students in today's classroom. Solid grammar and lexical syllabus provides variety and challenge Language presented in meaningful modern contexts through texts and dialogues Culture sections - students reflect on differences between themselves and others Full multimedia suite including 'Interactive DVD' and 'Active Teach' software Exam preparation and multiple intelligence approach Full teachers' support
Need an idea for a short story or novel? Look no further than The Writer's Idea Thesaurus. It's far more than a collection of simple writing prompts. You'll find a vast treasury of story ideas inside, organized by subject, theme, and situation categories, and listed alphabetically for easy reference.
This Interactive Reader is a workbook intended to be written in. It has three types of selections: literature, informational texts, and documents that students may encounter in various activities. All selections include the same basic preparation, support, and review materials. Vocabulary previews, skill descriptions, graphic organizers, review questions, and other tools help understand and enjoy the selections. Moreover, tips and questions in the side margins ensure that students can apply and practice the skills they are learning as they read.
Moira's Birthday Moira wants to invite grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6, aaaaand kindergarten to her birthday! "Are you CRAZY?!" asks her mom and dad. But...when Moira goes to school with only 6 invitations, she ends up inviting everyone anyway! And her parents don't know, until...rap rap rap rap rap rap ... on the door...!!!