Building Fluency contains everything teachers need to improve students’ reading fluency, one of five essential reading components identified in Reading First. Transparencies and assessment tools are included. The selections are engaging and humorous.
Building Fluency contains everything teachers need to improve students’ reading fluency, one of five essential reading components identified in Reading First. Transparencies and assessment tools are included. The selections are engaging and humorous.
Building Fluency contains everything teachers need to improve students’ reading fluency, one of five essential reading components identified in Reading First. Transparencies and assessment tools are included. The selections are engaging and humorous.
This essential resource contains 24 picture stories each accompanied by a variety of mixed-skills tasks, culminating in the students writing their own version of the story. The stories cover various genres including reportage, human interest stories and comedy. A CD with transcripts and interviews is also provided. Those act as models for the students before preparing their own interviews and stories.
Ideal for improving fluency, this title also offers vocabulary building exercises such as cloze tests, word puzzles and matching tasks.
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