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Earth Smart (DK READERS)
Earth Smart (DK READERS)Each book in the DK Readers series is specially crafted to suit the interests and learning stage of beginning readers. The five levels progress from easy-to-follow stories with simple sentences and word repetition to more sophisticated storylines, sentence structure, and vocabulary as children enjoy full-color photographs, sidebars and definition boxes, and lots of exciting information about the topics they love.
In this book: We can make our world a cleaner and healthier place to live. Join Sophie and Spencer to find out how.
Tags: boxes, exciting, information, about, definition
OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms
OECD Glossary of Statistical TermsThe main elements of the current version of the OECD Glossary are:
unique title for the definition;
text outlining the actual definition;
text outlining the context for the definition, i.e. background information about the definition, appropriate use, etc;
detailed source information;
classification of each definition to a broad statistical theme;
internal cross-links to related definitions, etc., contained elsewhere in the Glossary;
URL link to the source of the definition where this is currently located on the internet.
Tags: definition, Glossary, information, outlining, source
Practical Intelligence: The Art and Science of Common Sense
Practical Intelligence: The Art and Science of Common SenseOne definition of “intelligence” is the capacity to cope: to function effectively in an environment of some kind—to meet its challenges and capitalize on its possibilities in order to get what we want, need, and deserve. By that definition, we Homo sapiens -“thinking humans” - may need to get a lot smarter as a species, and soon.For the first time in the history of our species, our environment is evolving faster than our brains.We might have fewer than fifty years left to get our act together, individually and collectively, to cope with the chaotic new environment we’ve created around ourselves.

Tags: environment, species, definition, together, collectively
Munitions of the Mind: A History of Propaganda
Munitions of the Mind: A History of Propaganda
A classic work, Munitions of the mind traces how propaganda has formed part of the fabric of conflict since the dawn of warfare, and how in its broadest definition it has also been part of a process of persuasion at the heart of human communication
Tags: Munitions, Propaganda, History, definition, broadest