Integrating Play Techniques in Comprehensive School Counseling Programs
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 4 August 2015
Play therapy interventions are critical elements of providing responsive services within the context of comprehensive school counseling programs. However, many school counselors are not trained in the use of play therapy techniques during their graduate training programs as Play Therapy is not a required course based on standards set by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP) (2009).
Case Approach to Counseling and Psychotherapy (8th ed.)Case Approach to Counseling and Psychotherapy reflects my increasing emphasis on the use of demonstrations and the case approach method to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of counseling.
The World of the Counselor: An Introduction to the Counseling Profession
Neukrug's comprehensive introductory text gives students an unparalleled look into the practicalities of the counseling profession by providing a broad overview of the field, including a firm foundation in the skills, theories, and day-to-day realities of the job. Thorough and research-based, the book presents the key concepts and material about the counseling profession with great clarity and insight, while keeping readers engaged through the many illustrative case examples and personal narratives
Dietitians need to use advanced communication skills as well as technical expertise in order to assess clients' needs, identify their problems and help them to manage their diet and lifestyle. The ability to develop a helping relationship is fundamental to achieving a mutually satisfactory dietetic interview. Counselling skills, defined as advanced communication skills used intentionally in a helping relationship, are therefore essential for good dietetic practice at all levels of the profession.