Ralph Waldo Emerson, the greatest of the Transcendentalists, is often considered to be the central thinker in American history. In essays such as "Self-Reliance" and poems such as "Concord Hymn," he gave voice to ideals that Americans have held dear ever since.
Critical Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson is a reliable and up-to-date resource for students interested in this prolific author. This illustrated volume examines Emerson's life and 140 of his most important works, including all of his major essays and 60 of his poems.
The Crafter's Companion is for everybody who loves the world of handcrafts and anybody who's ever wondered what exactly there is to love about it. An online community of skilled artists has come together to answer these questions: Why do you create? What inspires you? How do you work?
Additionally, each artist has contributed a pattern of her own design, making this the ideal resource for practical projects and encouraging words.
In this Companion, essays by outstanding scholars illuminate Baudelaire's writing for the lay reader and specialist. In addition to a survey of his life and a study of his social context, the volume includes essays on his verse and prose, analyzing the extraordinary power and effectiveness of his language and style, his exploration of intoxicants like wine and opium, and his art and literary criticism. The volume also discusses the difficulties, successes and failures of translating his poetry and his continuing power to move his readers.