The book consists of Eight Chapters. Chapter 1 and 2 deal with Analysis and Design of Load Bearing Bricks Masonry Wall and Pillars and their foundations. Chapter 3 deals with Stability and Design of Bricks Masonry Retaining Walls subjected to different types of earth pressure including surcharge. Chapter 4 deals with requirements of Structural Timber and the Permissible Stresses in different grades of timber.
Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus
Professors teaching this course have two concurrent goals: to teach the microeconomic tools students need for future coursework and careers, and to encourage students to work problems. In Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus, Perloff brings his hallmark pedagogy to the calculus-based course by integrating Solved Problems and real, data-driven applications in every chapter. This new text offers a serious presentation of calculus-based microeconomic theory and offers a suite of carefully crafted, calculus-based problem sets at the end of each chapter.
The material covered in the book includes concepts of linear regression, univariate and multivariate time series modelling and their implementation in EViews. Chapter 1 briefly introduces commands, structure and programming language of the EViews package. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the regression analysis and its inference. Chapters 3 to 5 cover some topics of univariate time series analysis including linear models, GARCH models of volatility, unit root tests. Chapter 6 introduces modelling of multivariate time series.
Knowledge Creation and Management: New Challenges for ManagersThis book presents the latest management ideas in knowledge creation and management in readable and non-technical chapters. Leading experts have contributed chapters in their fields of expertise. Each distils his or her subject in a chapter that is accessible to managers who want to learn what can be applied to their organizations without the distracting details of research methodology. Each chapter, however, is based on careful research. The book is organized so that readers can easily find chapters of most interest and value to them. The emphasis is on the practical applications of Knowledge to a wide variety of organizations and functional areas.
Math Connects: Concepts, Skills, and Problems Solving, Course 1, Noteables: Interactive Study Notebook with Foldables
Interactive Study Notebook is a complete note-taking system with guided note taking for every lesson - in a workbook format. Plus, vocabulary builder and a chapter test preparation section are included for every chapter.