In this book the editors have been able to provide a snapshot of current research being undertaken in the Asia-Pacific region in regards to teacher self-efficacy beliefs. This includes specific focuses on inclusive teaching, professionalism, subject domains, collective efficacy as well as specific contexts of early childhood education and care, primary schools education, special needs schools and teacher education.
This book demonstrates the value of approaching education from a sociological and philosophical perspective. Specifically, it addresses current and long-standing educational issues in the Asia-Pacific region, integrating sociological and philosophical insights with practical applications in four key areas: educational aims, moral education, educational policy, and the East-West dichotomy.
Reform of Teacher Education in the Asia-Pacific in the New Millennium: Trends and Challenges
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 7 August 2015
In facing the challenges of rapid globalization, IT intensification, international competition and local demands for developments, educators, scholars and leaders in the Asia-Pacific region and other parts of the world are concerned with reforms of teacher education for the future of education in the new millennium.
Seven videos on ESL techniques downloaded from youtube and created by English for Asia.
Established in Hong Kong in 1997, Macao in 2001, and Shenzhen in 2003, English for Asia is a teacher-operated organisation committed to providing a wide range of courses and services dedicated to improving standards of English and English teaching in the Asia-Pacific region.
English for Asia offers a fresh approach to teaching and learning through the use of the latest communicative methods.
Self-directed Learning Oriented Assessments in the Asia-Pacific
The Asia-Pacific region needs to maximize the benefits of education to enable it to compete in an economic future dominated by innovation, in which assessing student progress must be an empowering rather than delimiting factor. This detailed exposition of the theoretical basis and application tools of self-directed learning-oriented assessment (SLOA) reflects the very latest research championed by the Assessment Research Centre at The Hong Kong Institute of Education.