Język angielski - Nowy egzamin gimnazjalny 2012
A set of interactive tests for the learners of junior high school preparing for the final examination in English. Covers both basic and extended versions.
Angielski dla seniorów KONWERSACJE płyta 4. Rozwiązywanie problemów - English for the Elderly CONVERSATIONS Vol. 4 Solving Problems
A supplementary audio course for the learners of English at elementary level. Tackles such issues as: bank and office, asking the way, shopping and complaints, computer and internet, moving around the town, calling for help.
Angielski dla seniorów KONWERSACJE płyta 3. sport i zdrowie - English for the Elderly CONVERSATIONS Vol. 3 Sport and Health
A supplementary audio course for the learners of English at elementary level. Tackles such issues as: active lifestyle, health and nutrition, health trouble, at the doctor's, hospitalization, healthy way of life, daily pleasure.
Angielski dla seniorów KONWERSACJE płyta 2. Edukacja i praca - English for the Elderly CONVERSATIONS Vol. 2 Education and Work
A supplementary audio course for the learners of English at elementary level. Tackles such issues as: looking for a job, school education, professional work, courses and training, job meetings, and retirement.
Multimedia course teaching English in a funny way. Level A1-A2. Program tackles such issues as: basic nouns, numbers, regular and irregular verbs. Knowledge is passed via games and fun activities. User may also take advantage of statistical system displaying educational progress and all tasks completed. Manual included. For the speakers of Polish only.