High-performance process improvement takes process improvement to the next ambition level. The kernel of the substance is a generic process improvement process that operates under the strictest time, quality and cost constraints. This is realized via three high-class phases:network and company analysis and synthesis, process analysis and synthesis, the implementation, including process improvement education and training and the practical realization of the improvement potential.
Wuthering Heights (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations)
Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights", set in the raw and frightening beauty of the English moors, is the story of two lovers drawn together from the moment they meet. Their love is consuming and destructive, forbidden and inescapable, making Bronte's tale a sweeping classic of English literature. This updated volume offers clear analysis perfect for students seeking valuable insight into this haunting tale.
The Verbal Complex in Romance: A Case Study in Grammatical Interfaces
This book explores the interface between syntax and the other components of the grammar, in particular phonology, morphology, and argument structure. The author proceeds through a consideration of case studies, such as clitics and complex predicates (auxiliary and modal verbs) in Romance, grounding theoretical analysis in constant exemplification. She shows that a careful analysis of their properties can lead to a better understanding of the interaction of the various components of the grammar.
Inspired by the author's need for practical guidance in the processes of data analysis, A Practical Guide to Scientific Data Analysis has been written as a statistical companion for the working scientist. This handbook of data analysis with worked examples focuses on the application of mathematical and statistical techniques and the interpretation of their results.
This work is intended to give a quick overview on the subject of the geometric measure theory with emphases on various basic ideas, techniques and their applications in problems arising in the calculus of variations, geometrical analysis and nonlinear partial differential equations.