The present volume is a complete revision of a work of the same title published in I946 in the University of Michigan Publications in Linguistics. But instead of setting up morphological and phonological processes as basic to the descriptive methodology, it treats the morpheme together with its allomorphs as the fundamental feature.
The study of narrative has been a continuous concern from antiquity to the present day because stories are everywhere-from fiction across media to nation building and personal identity. Handbook of Narrative Analysis sorts out both traditional and recent narrative theories, providing the necessary skills to interpret any story that comes along.
Journal of English Linguistics (ENG), published quarterly, is your premier resource for original linguistic research based on data drawn from the English language, encompassing a broad theoretical and methodological scope. Highlighting theoretically and technologically innovative scholarship, ENG provides in-depth research and analysis in a variety of areas, including history of English, English grammar, corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, and dialectology.
St Helenian English: Origins, evolution and variation
This volume provides the first-ever sociolinguistic analysis of English on the island of St Helena, the oldest variety of English in the Southern Hemisphere. It is based on a concise synchronic profile of the variety (describing its segmental phonology and morphosyntax) and an evaluation of diachronic material in the form of letters, court cases, ghost stories, etc. The analysis is embedded into a theoretical framework of contact linguistics (contact dialectology and pidgin/creole linguistics) and builds upon the social and sociodemographic development of the community.
The Hegel Dictionary is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the world of G.W.F. Hegel, one of the most important and influential thinkers in the history of philosophy. Meticulously researched and extensively cross-referenced, this unique book provides a firm grounding in the central themes of Hegel's thought. Students will discover a wealth of useful information and analysis. A-Z entries include clear definitions of key terms used in Hegel's writings and detailed synopses of his major works.