The simplest and clearest definition is: information plus analysis equals intelligence. It clarifies the distinction between collected information and produced intelligence, namely:
Without analysis, there is no intelligence. Intelligence is not what is collected; it is what is produced after collected data and information is evaluated and analysed.
Practitioner research and Professional Development in Education
Drawing directly on the work of teachers and other professional trainers concerned with programmes for continuing professional development, this book promotes action research for practitioners so as to develop qualities of critical appraisal and analysis of practice, appropriate to professional contexts.
An Introduction to Discourse Analysis, Theory and Method by James Paul Gee “If you only read one book on discourse analysis, this is the one to read. If you’re a specialist, you’ll find much to enjoy here as well. Gee’s book shows us that discourse analysis is about a lot more than linguistic study; it will help us all to see how to keep from, as he says, ‘getting physically, socially, culturally, or morally “bitten” by the world’.”
This book enables practitioners to apply statistics effectively to the development and use of language assessments.
The assessment of language learners is having a growing impact in English language teaching and applied linguistics. A formal evaluation of students' writing abilities is important for language teachers in order to assess the pedagogical needs of their students.