Added by: bonasera | Karma: 15771.31 | Black Hole | 25 January 2017
English Today - Volumes 1-26 - Full Collection
English Today is an innovative product for English language learning, designed to gain maximum advantage from the DVD format and aimed at the needs of the target consumer. It is not simply the next stage in the advancement from video cassettes or CD-ROM's, but a whole new kind of product. It represents a completely new approach: instead of the typical video-lesson structure, a teacher guides the student through a series of narrative episodes arranged as in a sit-com. There are also interactive exercises so that the user can practice what he or she has learned. All with the flexibility afforded by a multimedia product.
An Education in Facebook? examines and critiques the role of Facebook in the evolving landscape of higher education. At times a mandated part of classroom use, at others an informal network for students, Facebook has become an inevitable component of college life, acting alternately as an advertising, recruitment and learning tool. But what happens when educators use a corporate product, which exists outside of the control of universities, to educate students?
With a cast of characters that wouldn't be out of place in a Victorian novel, Chocolate Wars tells the story of the great chocolatier dynasties, through the prism of the Cadburys. Chocolate was consumed unrefined and unprocessed as a rather bitter, fatty drink for the wealthy elite until the late 19th century, when the Swiss discovered a way to blend it with milk and unleashed a product that would conquer every market in the world.
Knuffle BunnyMerging expressive cartoon network-esque illustrations with beautiful black and white photographs of Brooklyn, this funny story tells how Trixie and Knuffel Bunny's trip to the laundromat with Dad goes terribly wrong when Trixie realizes some bunny's been left behind! Her attempts to alert Dad all the way home are unsuccessful, until Mum points out that Knuffel Bunny is missing and the family hotfoot it back to the laundromat. Fortunately, KB is safe, if a little wet ...
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! A brilliantly simple book that is absolutely true to life, as anyone who interacts with an obdurate three-year-old can attest. The bus driver has to leave for a while, and he makes one request of readers: "Don't let the pigeon drive the bus." It's the height of common sense, but the driver clearly knows this determined pigeon and readers do not - yet.