Cricka crick, cricka crick! This is the song papa crickets sing when they rub their wings together. Follow along as wingless baby crickets grow into singing adults.
A message in a bottle relays an urgent plea from the long-missing Captain Grant. His ship, the Britannia, has sunk. He is alive but is being held hostage. Captain Grant's children, Mary and Robert, along with their friend and benefactor Lord Glenervan launch a rescue expedition. But where do they begin their search? The original SOS message written in three languages is partially destroyed by sea water. The remaining fragments can be interpreted several ways. Only one clue is certain, Captain Grant is somewhere along the 37th parallel. Racing against time, risking their lives, the brave adventurers are determined to find and save the shipwrecked captain.
A Field Guide to Pacific Coast Fishes : North America
More than 600 species are described in detail, with more than 525 illustrations. This is the guide for quick, reliable identification of fishes that you'll encounter while fishing, snorkeling, diving, or even strolling along a Pacific Coast beach.
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Black Hole | 9 February 2011
Making Beautiful Bead & Wire Jewelry
For her latest book, bestselling author Linda Jones has created 30 imaginative, contemporary-looking designs that are both quick and easy to make. Bead and wire jewellery is one of the fastest-growing crafts, with more and more people discovering the joys of making unique, hand-crafted pieces every year. In these recession-hit times, Linda Jones demonstrates how almost anything - from old buttons and broken necklaces, to pebbles picked up on a stroll along the beach, and even household staples such as washers, bolts and plumbing chain
Learning math facts doesn't have to be dull! Now students can "rock out" while they learn addition and subtraction. Upbeat rock music, energetic performers, and colorful action make these super-cool songs favorites with kids of all ages. As they sing along to these "add and subtract tunes," kids quickly learn sums up to 18 and differences from 18.