The articles contained in this volume are either theoretical or descriptive contributions to the field of linguistic inquiry known as transformational linguistics. The issues considered are general in scope although some area of English syntax is the concern of each writer. The articles, conceived and written between mid-1964 and mid-1968, represent some fundamental reconsideration of the nature and role of deep structure.
Большой урок английского языка - Articles / Артикли
Артикли - это служебные слова, которые используются перед существительными. В русском языке артиклей нет. В английском языке существуют два артикля: неопределенный а (аn) и определенный the.
This magazine is designed for technically educated professionals and managers who have a positive predisposition to read about, get involved with and act on a broad range of the physical and social sciences. Its articles and features anticipate what the breakthroughs and the news will be in a society increasingly dependent upon scientific and technological advances.
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Learn 20 of the most important phrasal verbs in English! Also, read about a great new film by Jordan Belfort - a real·life con artist (played by actor Leonardo DiCaprio). Find out what he did and what he's doing now. of course, that's not all. We've also got articles on the sauna, the Yeli, Google, airports, Country·Pop,3D printers, luxury brands, holiday seams, intelligence, lucky people, crowdfunding and lots, lots more.
This magazine is designed for technically educated professionals and managers who have a positive predisposition to read about, get involved with and act on a broad range of the physical and social sciences. Its articles and features anticipate what the breakthroughs and the news will be in a society increasingly dependent upon scientific and technological advances.