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GCE Advanced Level Mechanics

GCE Advanced Level MechanicsBased on examination board syllabuses, the material on this disc provides comprehensive coverage of the essential Mechanics material, understanding of which is vital for success. The thirteen sections listed below each contain several topic areas, providing support for those studying modular and linear courses - sufficient for a double module in Mechanics. Immediate feedback on understanding is provided by hundreds of test questions, all of which have a model solution available if required. Testing yourself with these questions is designed to be an integral part of the learning process.


GCE Advanced Level Statistics

GCE Advanced Level StatisticsBased on the Examination Board requirements for Statistics at Advanced Level, the material on this disc provides comprehensive coverage of the essential Statistics material, understanding of which is vital for success. The material is appropriate for either modular (providing coverage of two modules) or linear courses. The seven sections listed below each contain several topic areas. Immediate feedback on understanding is provided by hundreds of test questions, all of which have a model solution available if required. Progress within each topic is reported on the final screen. Exam-style questions, with model solutions are provided in each section.



Beyond Our Borders - Russia (VIDEO)

Beyond Our Borders - Russia (VIDEO)Students retain geography and history information better when they experience living images of world cultures. These  programs about some of the world’s major countries help students understand other peoples’ environments, values...


After countless rulers, seven decades of Communism, and domination of Eastern Europe as the power behind the former USSR, Russia fascinates as do few other countries. Viewers will witness Moscow's importance, as well as major cities such as Volgograd and St. Petersburg.


Grade Level: 6-10


McMinn's 3D Atlas of Human Anatomy

McMinn's 3D Atlas of Human Anatomy CD-ROMMcMinn's 3D Atlas of Human Anatomy CD-ROM

Revised to reflect the increasing emphasis on clinical anatomy and make this popular atlas more user-friendly. Sixty new dissection photographs have been added along with 250 clinical notes. Includes new layout, color-coded icons, and orientational diagrams. 


Profesor Henry 6.0 Rozumienie ze słuchu i konwersacje POLISH SPEAKERS

Profesor Henry 6.0 Rozumienie ze słuchu i konwersacje POLISH SPEAKERS
Profesor Henry 6.0 Rozumienie ze słuchu i konwersacje to najnowsza wersja programu cieszącego się uznaniem użytkownikow.
Profesor Henry w sposob kompleksowy uczy wspołczesnego języka angielskiego w oparciu o 1000 rożnorodnych ćwiczeń, filmy wideo, obszerne nagrania, interaktywne dialogi (łącznie ponad 100).
Program uczy zarowno rozumienia ze słuchu, jak i pisania oraz mowienia. Kurs adresowany jest do początkujących, średnio zaawansowanych i zaawansowanych - materiał został podzielony na 4 stopnie trudności. It's for Polish speakers only.
