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Dinosaur Planet by Anne McCaffrey

Dinosaur Planet by Anne McCaffreyDinosaur Planet by Anne McCaffrey

On Earth they had died out 70 million years ago. But on Ireta they ruled in all their bizarre splendour. The Dinosaurs. Relics from a forgotten age, they roamed a planet as mystifying as any in the galaxy. And the expedition sent to explore it was trapped within its toils as quickly and mysteriously as their relief ship disappeared. And worse. For the Heavyworlders, half the expedition's personnel, reverted to type, and as predatory carnivores systematically hunted down their colleagues. Only the frozen sleep of cryogenics offered an escape. But for how long?
Volcano Trek

Volcano TrekVolcano Trek

Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of graded readers for learners of English. This series offers fascinating stories from the four corners of our world, and develops the language and skills needed to understand non-fiction writing.

The Young Riders of Mongolia

The Young Riders of MongoliaThe Young Riders of Mongolia

Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of graded readers for learners of English. This series offers fascinating stories from the four corners of our world, and develops the language and skills needed to understand non-fiction writing.
Ba Gua: Hidden Knowledge in the Taoist Internal Martial Art

Ba Gua: Hidden Knowledge in the Taoist Internal Martial ArtBa Gua: Hidden Knowledge in the Taoist Internal Martial Art

This book was really good, it gave a great history section, overview of theory, and general explanation of what Ba Gua is about. There are very good explanations of internal power theory, the differences between the different levels of that theory(muscular effort to internal power, and what the differences are between each level). It also includes several two-man sets which are very good, and a section on applications. Strategy and actual applied fighting theory are elucidated to good depth, which made me quite happy.
The Great Beyond: Higher Dimensions, Parallel Universes and the Extraordinary Search for a Theory of Everything

The Great Beyond: Higher Dimensions, Parallel Universes and the Extraordinary Search for a Theory of Everything

Ever since Plato first told his students the allegory of the cave, people have wondered whether dimensions exist beyond the three we immediately perceive. An extra dimension—time—played a role in Einstein's work, although he saw it only as a necessary evil to get his equations to work. Other scientists were more receptive: mathematical physicists Oskar Klein and Theodor Kaluza made higher dimensions an integral part of their attempts to discover a "theory of everything" that would tie together strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism and gravity.