- This book has been written to help you learn new vocabulay. There are around 1250 new words and phrases.
Every new word or phrase is used in a sentence, or in a conversation, or has a picture with it, or has some explanation of what it means.
On the right-hand page there are exercises and other activities to help you practice using the words and to help you remember them.
You can use it yourseft without teacher.
To the teacher:
- This book can be used in class. The vocobulary has been chosen for its usefulness in every situations, and the authors consulted a writen and spoken corpus of present day English to help them decide on the words or phrases to be included. The new vocabulary is on average 20-25 items per unit....There is an index with pronunciation for all the key vocabulary, a table of phonetic symboys, and an answer key at the end of this book.