Essentials of School Neuropsychological Assessment
With neuropsychological assessment more widely used in school settings than ever before, school psychologists require greater knowledge of both the discipline and its application within the school environment. Written by a leading expert in school neuropsychology, Essentials of School Neuropsychological Assessment is a practical resource providing learning specialists and school psychologists with clear coverage and vital information on this evolving area of practice within school psychology.
In The Mind within the Brain, David Redish brings together cutting edge research in psychology, robotics, economics, neuroscience, and the new fields of neuroeconomics and computational psychiatry, to offer a unified theory of human decision-making. Most importantly, Redish shows how vulnerabilities, or "failure-modes," in the decision-making system can lead to serious dysfunctions, such as irrational behavior, addictions, problem gambling, and PTSD.
To people who come to this book looking for an analysis of the attacks on the World Trade Center this book will appear to be peculiar and eccentric, and therefore in questionable taste. Slavoj Zisek is a Marxist philosopher from the formerly Yugoslav republic of Slovenia. (At the same time he is quite caustic against those who think that Milosevic's horrors could have been avoided by an appeal to the cosmopolitan virtues of Titoism. Not within the party framework, at any rate.) He has a special interest in the French psychoanalyst Lacan, which does not stop him from discussing other imposing figures such as Hegel, Adorno, Foucault and, suprisingly in this book, G.K. Chesterton.
28 Days To Success Anyone can set aside just 28 days to make a meaningful change in life. Qualified Life Coach Tommy Macken provides guidance for 28 useful life tips that promise to be within reach of normal people leading a normal life.
This brisk and pungent guide to the use of words as tools of communication is written primarily for journalists, yet its lessons are of immense value to all who face the problem of giving information, whether to the general public or within business, professional or social organizations. What makes a good English sentence? How should you rewrite a bad one? What cliches and other word-traps are to be avoided?