Over the past three decades, translation has evolved from a profession practiced largely by individuals to a cottage industry model and finally to a formally recognized industrial sector that is project-based, heavily outsourced and that encompasses a wide range of services in addition to translation. As projects have grown in size, scope and complexity, and as project teams have become increasingly distributed across geographies, time zones, languages and cultures, formalized project management has emerged as both a business requirement and a critical success factor for language service providers.
The HTS aims at disseminating knowledge about translation and interpreting to a relatively broad audience: not only students who often adamantly prefer user-friendliness, researchers and lecturers in Translation Studies, Translation & Interpreting professionals; but also scholars, experts and professionals from other disciplines (among which linguistics, sociology, history, psychology).
AL-GHAZĀLĪ ON DIVINE ESSENCE: A TRANSLATION FROM THE IQTIṢĀD FĪ AL-IʿTIQAD WITH NOTES AND COMMENTARYAbū Ḥāmid Muḥammad al-Ghazālī (d. 1111 C.E.) ranks as one of the most prominent figures in the history of Islamic thought. His works have been published, studied, and commented upon widely by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. In the Western tradition of orientalist scholarship, Ghazālī has received no small amount of attention, and, as is often the case when a variety of perspectives and talents are brought to
Translation is living through a period of revolutionary upheaval. The effects of digital technology and the internet on translation are continuous, widespread and profound. From automatic online translation services to the rise of crowdsourced translation and the proliferation of translation Apps for smartphones, the translation revolution is everywhere. The implications for human languages, cultures and society of this revolution are radical and far-reaching. In the Information Age that is the Translation Age, new ways of talking and thinking about translation which take full account of the dramatic changes in the digital sphere are urgently required.