Is war grounded, perhaps inescapably, in human nature? In this truly global study, major military historian Azar Gat sets out to unravel the "riddle of war" throughout human history, from the early hunter-gatherers right through to the unconventional terrorism of the twenty-first century.
The World from Beginnings to 4000 BCE is a big book that covers a mere 143 pages. Starting with the appearance of our most distant ancestors about 7 million years ago, it takes the reader through the major evolutionary developments, always pausing to explain how we know what we know and why it is important.
This book is the perfect example of the harmony that can stem from the combination of old architecture and new ideas. The pictures in this book are wonderfully informative and artfully done. Weather you're looking for new ideas in architecture or just out to see some cool pictures, you should at the very least just flip through this book.
The unvarying essential meanings of around 1,000 symbols and symbolic themes commonly found in the art, literature and thought of all cultures through the ages are clarified.
Edited by: Maria - 1 December 2008
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The third edition of Gender Through the Prism of Difference adopts a global, transnational perspective on how race, class, and sexual diversity are central to the study of sex and gender. In contrast with other books in this area--which tend to focus on U.S. or European viewpoints--this book features many articles based on research done elsewhere throughout the world.