This test preparation manual covers all parts of the IELTS (General & Academic) and all of its question types: multiple-choice, short answer, sentence completion, flowchart completion, graphs, tables, making notes, summarizing, labeling diagrams and maps, classification, matching, and selecting from a list. The manual also offers four practice tests with answers, and listening and reading modules with answer keys.
BOOK ADDED(by ngoctu777) and the full scan added by rapgreen :)
Getting to know the TOEFL is 184 page book to help you achieve a better score on the exam. It includes detailed strategies for each section of the test. Included in the book are 30 tests to check your progress. An answer key is included.
Now you can check your sudents'progress quickly and easily with these photocopiable review tests, specially written for New Headway users.The New Headway Quick Tick Tests booklet includes:
• Two review tests for every level of New Headway
• Multiple-choice questions on grammar and vocabulary
• Quick-mark answer cards - see inside for details
Headway Pre-Intermediate English series has a new edition, "the third edition" - that I've made available after searching for it everywhere! Tests booklet added Thanks to ylia2003 !