Essential Surgery: Problems, Diagnosis & Management: Problems, Diagnosis and Management, 4 Ed
Essential Surgery is a comprehensive and highly illustrated textbook for clinical students as well as a practical manual for junior doctors and those preparing for postgraduate qualifications in surgery. The unique feature of the book is its problem-orientated nature as distinct to the traditional disease-based structure.
Long considered the bible of thoracic surgery, this comprehensive two-volume textbook guides you through virtually every open and endoscopic surgical technique with expert commentary by the leaders in thoracic surgery from around the world. Coverage includes extensive sections on lung cancer and other pulmonary tumors. All facets of thoracic disease are covered from anatomy and embryology to diagnostics, including extensive radiological sections.
Surgeons must meet the challenges of understanding and implementing the new technology for pseudophakia if they are to ride the coming demographic tidal wave of baby boomers desiring excellent vision without relying on spectacles.
Have you ever wished that the experts were sitting next to you or standing by your side during surgery? "Essentials of Cataract Surgery" is a straightforward, concise, and easy to read reference manual that is equivalent to having the best instructor guiding you on what to do next and how to avoid potential complications.
Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 6th Edition
Masterfully pared down from five volumes to two, the 6th Edition of one of the most trusted references in general surgery provides a clinically oriented, encyclopedic review of all matters that concern the alimentary tract. With atlas-like quality, a logically organized format, a new image bank on CD-ROM, and an emphasis on the latest techniques and diagnostics, the new Shackelford's offers you all of the clinical utility you need with unquestioned authority and unparalleled efficiency.