Once Upon a Breath: The Story of a Wolf, 3 Pigs & Asthma.Once Upon a Breath: The Story of a Wolf, 3 Pigs & Asthma.
The thing any child remembers of the story of the three little pigs is the exchange...
This version of the story includes the charm the requisite three times, in spite of the fact that B.B. (for Big Bad) Wolf is not attempting to eat the piglets, but merely to educate them about the fact that their polluting life style is contributing to his asthma.
This package contains the interactive book and a game
There is much more to the Norman story than the Battle of Hastings. These descendants of the Vikings who settled in France, England, and Italy—but were not strictly French, English, or Italian—played a large role in creating the modern world. They were the success story of the Middle Ages: a footloose band of individual adventurers who transformed the face of medieval Europe. During the course of two centuries, they launched a series of extraordinary conquests, carving out kingdoms from the North Sea to the North African coast.
The Story of Britain: From the Romans to the Present: A Narrative History
“A beautifully written story, a box of delights, a treasure trove: final proof of truth’s superiority over fiction.”—Andrew Roberts A sparkling anecdotal account with the pace of an epic, about the men and women who created turning points in history. Rebecca Fraser's dramatic portrayal of the scientists, statesmen, explorers, soldiers, traders, and artists who forged Britain's national institutions is the perfect introduction to British history.
A collection of stories. For reading and listening practice
A book that can come in handy not only for students, but also for teachers who are tired of boring and dull articles so surprisingly similar in every coursebook. Fully original texts by Richard Vaughan tell us a couple of stories about ordinary people from around the world. At first their lives don't seem to be connected, but just you wait... the difficulty of vocabulary and grammar increases gradually from story to story.