Сборник лучших детских песен, которые можно просто слушать, а можно по ним совершенствовать знания английского языка. ( В аннотации к диску так и написано - очень полезен для родителей и учителей.)
A combination of animated story, songs, games and activities for very young learners.
Key features
The CD-ROM has activities for 4 and 5 year olds (levels A and B of Cookie and friends).
There is an animated story with optional text on the page.
A colouring activity is provided for each of 12 different topics (relating to the Cookie and friends classbook units).
There is also a game for each of the 12 topics.
It is simple to use and doesn't require typing skills. Games work on pre-reading and pre-writing skills and basic computer skills such as use of the mouse.
There are animated traditional nursery rhymes for the children to enjoy.
Added by: visan | Karma: 894.33 | Other | 1 February 2009
Songs with subtitles 22
Anita O'Day - Tenderly Barbra Streisand - Memory Chris De Burg - Moonlight and Vodka Elvis Presley - All Shook Up Rare Bird - Sympathy Simon & Garfunkel - America
Singing in the Kinder Vol.3 presents a collection of classic children's songs in new versions to be used in Kindergarten classes. English teachers and children will enjoy this wonderful array of timeless songs all of which contain lyrics that are fun and appropriate for teaching English. Some favorites such as "Six little ducks", "Baby beluga" and and "Old McDonald had a farm" among others are ideal to use along with stories, puppets and TPR