I Can Do That! Woodworking Projects shows the absolute beginner how to create twenty quality furniture projects with a modest kit of tools in less than two days of shop time while using only materials that are available at any home center. The enclosed tool manual explains all the tools and shows the reader how to perform the basic operations in a step-by-step format. By replacing much of the complicated joinery common in woodworking with mechanical fasteners (biscuits and pocket screws) the learning curve is greatly reduced, but the quality and appearance of the project remains intact.
Thanks to The Biggest Loser, NBC's unscripted hit show, dozens of overweight contestants have improved their health with dramatic weight-loss transformations. Thousands of inspired fans of the show have undergone personal weight-loss journeys, using the tools and tips provided by the show's experts and medical professionals. Now, the workout moves used by the show's trainers to train and tone the Biggest Losers on television are available for you to use at home or in the gym.
Ethnography at Work follows the experiences of the author as a participant observer in the day-to-day running of a Japanese advertising agency. The book reveals the intricate behind-the-scenes planning, discussion, negotiations and strategies needed to ensure that the agency's presentation to a potential client will be preferred over that of a rival firm. The book shows how detailed ethnography can lead to an understanding of numerous different, but interlocking, theoretical issues.
Don't Get Burned on EBayLots of books tell you how to buy and sell on eBay. But what if something goes horribly awry? Do you have to chalk it up to a "lesson learned," lick your wounds and move on? Not a chance. Don't Get Burned on eBay offers relevant lessons based on real-life stories posted on eBay's Answer Center. With sharp, witty rhetoric, veteran eBay user Shauna Wright (co-founder of the popular web site WhoWouldBuyThat.com), shows eBay veterans and newcomers alike how to avoid those nasty scenarios, and how to pull themselves out of the muck if they've already fallen in.
(Nicholas Brealey Publishing/Intercultural Press) Offers Americans planning to live or work abroad tips and skills to getting along in a foreign country. Shows how to explore the mysteries of culture, avoid stereotypes, and other pitfalls.