USA Mathematical Olympiads 1972-1986 Problems and Solutions
Volume 33 of the Anneli Lax New Mathematical Library People delight in working on problems "because they are there," for the sheer pleasure of meeting a challenge. This is a book full of such delights. In it, Murray S. Klamkin brings together 75 original USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO) problems for yearss 1972-1986, with many improvements, extensions, related exercises, open problems, referneces and solutions, often showing alternative approaches.
This handbook shows you how to use Talk a Lot materials to learn or teach spoken English, as well as providing background information and practice worksheets on related topics, such as connected speech, sentence and word stress, and the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
The Garden of the Sphinx: 150 Challenging and Instructive Puzzles
These mathematical puzzles have appeared in the newspaper Le Monde during the past few years. A number of readers have responded to the challenge by offering not only original solutions and modes of attack but also by stating new problems related to those proposed.
This specialized desktop-style encyclopedia contains more than 300 essays covering management topics such as Angels and venture capitalists, Franchising, Japanese management, Outsourcing and offshoring, and Zero sum game. Arrangement in alphabetical, but so the volume may be used as a textbook as well as a ready-reference source, a "Guide to Functional-Area Readings" arranges entries into 18 curriculum-related topic areas such as "Emerging Topics in Management," "Leadership," and "Management Information Systems."
"Living with Sports Injuries" provides a comprehensive overview of the causes and types of sports injuries, treatment and prevention, and more. Providing a crash course in sports injuries, this new book examines head and neck, shoulder, elbow, and hip injuries, and much more. Written in clear, straightforward language, this user-friendly book includes case studies and dramatized, real-life examples to illustrate the everyday impact of living with sports injuries.