This is the essential reference companion for all who use French for business communication. Containing over 5000 words, this handy two-way A-Z glossary covers the most commonly used terms in business. It will help you to communicate with confidence in a wide variety of business situations, and is of equal value to the relative beginner or the fluent speaker. Written by an experienced native and non-native speaker team working in business language education, this unique glossary is an indispensable reference guide for all students and professionals studying or working in business where French is used.
The Rough Guide to Shakespeare is the ultimate guide to the life and work of the world’s greatest playwright; William Shakespeare. With full coverage of the 38 Shakespearian plays, including a synopsis, full character list, stage history and a critical essay for each, this comprehensive guide is both a quick reference and in-depth background guide for theatergoers, students, film buffs and lovers of literature alike.
This study provides an in-depth analysis of the morphosyntax, semantics, and pragmatics of the major grammatical constructions involved in time reference in Yukatek Maya, a native Meso-american language spoken on the peninsula of Yucatán. The description traces temporal properties in clause structure, lexical predicate classes, verb inflection and derivation, adverbial modification, and clause and sentence combination, and thus covers a substantial part of the core grammar of the language.
Added by: Moomrik | Karma: 7.00 | Black Hole | 11 November 2011
Business English Handbook -- Advanced
Business English Handbook -- Advanced.
For any professional adult seeking to refine their Business English, The Business English Handbook is the ideal advanced-level business language reference and practice book. It is ideal for professionals who want a practical reference book for revision purposes, and for business students studying at university or college.
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Following in the tradition of its popular predecessors, the CRC Desk Reference for Nutrition, Third Edition explains hundreds of terms commonly used in medicine, food science, metabolism, physiology, and nutrition. Thoroughly updated and expanded to reflect major advances over the past decade, this reference lists entries alphabetically and cross-references them when multiple terms are used for the same definition. Each entry is followed either by a definition, paragraph, essay, composition, article, or feature article. Many of the more complex entries are supported with figures or tables.