Concept Questions and Timelines Наиполезнейшая книга для преподавателей английского. Одна из тех редких книг, которые не только ПОМОГАЮТ преподавателям учить других, но и учат ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЕЙ. Чрезвычайно наглядно, в виде графических "временных линий" (time lines), представлены ВСЕ времена и практически все грамматические категории английского языка - это делает книгу бесценной не только для преподавателей, но и для изучающих язык. Исключительно свежий взгляд на английскую грамматику и прекрасное её визуальное представление. Вторая (а по порядку в книге - первая) часть книги - обучение умению задавать вопросы, направленные на проверку понимания учениками усвоенного материала. Администрация Englishtips даёт этой книге 10 из 10 баллов!
This title introduces teachers to time lines and concept questions for checking understanding. It includes a ready-to-use photocopiable section, which contains time lines, clear language descriptions and concept questions. It deals with 54 areas of grammar. It contains grammar reference handouts and related practice activities and exercises. It is recommended on teacher training courses for teachers of EFL.
Passport to IELTS Учебный аудио курс для подготовки к международному экзамену IELTS.
A complete IELTS preparation course which contains all the features of the new IELTS syllabus. Includes exam preparation and material for general study skills.This book is very good for self study. It has practice questions for each of the modules including listening. The strategies proposed in this book for achieving higher score is really fantastic.
Added by: Pffy | Karma: 785.54 | Exam Materials » GRE | 5 November 2006
ARCO - GRE CAT Answers to Real Essay
Review of answers to 250 actual questions taken from previous exams Revised and updated for the now required essay section of the GRE®, this one-of-a-kind guide features sample answers to actual essay questions that appear in the writing section, an important component of a test taker’s GRE CAT score. The author, an experienced GRE coach, talks about the now required section and guides readers with advice for tackling both the issue-perspective and argument-analysis question types. Writing style tips and timesaving strategies are also included to help students have a smooth, hassle-free experience on test day.
Added by: Pffy | Karma: 785.54 | Exam Materials » GRE | 5 November 2006
GRE Big Book
The Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test consists of verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing sections. This book is the only test prep guide that contains questions and topics from actual tests administered worldwide. It contains verbal and quantitative questions from seven actual GRE General Tests and sample analytical writing topics from the complete pool of topics for the analytical writing measure. It includes information about the structure of the test, answering procedures, explanations of correct answers for verbal and quantitative questions, sample writing responses with scores, scoring information, a math review, and test-taking strategies.
Книжка содержит 30 небольших адаптированных историй с упражнениями и вопросами на проверку понимания (comprehension questions).
Примеры заданий - в "Подробнее".