The Great Book of Questions and Answers: Over 1000 Questions and Answers
Ever wondered whether ostriches really bury their heads in the sand, or what gas giants are? This lively reference book for children, and the whole family, asks and answers these questions, and hundreds more besides. It provides the information that children love in an accessible and entertaining way. Topics include: the Universe, Planet Earth, the Human Body, World History, and Science and Technology.
The ability to use vague language ("bags of time", "doing stuff", "sort of thing", "and all that") is an aspect of communicative competence of considerable social importance. This volume explores the function of vague language in context. It spans genre analysis, critical discourse analysis, psycholinguistics and cross-cultural sociolinguistics, in a variety of world cultures. It suggests applications in TOEFL, asking questions such as "What should learners be taught to understand and use, and why?" and suggesting directions for future research.
Added by: msaddam | Karma: 741.13 | Coursebooks, Other | 12 December 2008
BBC Learning English-Speaking and Writing is a booklet where the questions of the learners from around the world are answered from the Experts of BBC.Here the questions are related to Speaking and Writing in English e.g difference between Brish and American forms, style,pronunciation etc.
Since Writing the Memoir came out in early 1997 it has sold roughly 20,000 copies and is consistently praised as "the best book on memoir out there." It is thought-provoking, explanatory, and practical: each chapter ends with writing exercises. It covers everything from questions of truth and ethics to questions of craft and the crucial retrospective voice. An appendix provides information on legal issues...
CliffsTestPrep Regents Global History and Geography Workbook
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Exam Materials | 3 December 2008
Designed with New York State high school students in mind. CliffsTestPrep is the only hands-on workbook that lets you study, review, and answer practice Regents exam questions on the topics you're learning as you go. Concise answer explanations immediately follow each question--so everything you need is right there at your fingertips. After going through the practice questions, you can use the workbook again as a refresher to prepare for the Regents exam by taking a full-length practice test. You'll get comfortable with the structure of the actual exam while also pinpointing areas where you need further review.
Inside this workbook, you'll find sequential, topic-specific test questions with fully explained answers for each of the following subjects: World History, Geography, Economics, Civics, Citizenship, and Government.
A full-length practice test at the end of the book is made up of questions culled from multiple past Regents exams. Use it to identify your weaknesses, and then go back to those sections for more study. It's that easy!