English File fourth edition has built on tried and trusted methodology and contains uniquely motivating lessons and activities that encourage students to discuss topics with confidence. Workbook reinforces each lesson and can be used as extra practise during class, or set as homework.
English File fourth edition has built on tried and trusted methodology and contains uniquely motivating lessons and activities that encourage students to discuss topics with confidence. The course offers a range of materials that you can use according to your student's needs and the time and resources you have available: Student's Book with Online Practice allows students to practise and develop their language skills, catch up on lessons they have missed and track progress with Online Practice. Workbook reinforces each lesson and can be used as extra practise during class, or set as homework.
Added by: snwwte | Karma: 3109.25 | Coursebooks, Kids, YLE | 4 August 2021
Practise and Pass: Movers SB
"Practise and Pass Movers" is especially useful for pupils who need to prepare and practise for the Cambridge YLE Test over a relatively short period or alongside another course book.
The Richmond Vocabulary Builders are two brand-new vocabulary books for adults and young adults, for use at home or in class. Each book is divided into 50 easy-to-navigate double-page units which present and practise vocabulary in context and also help provide help with collocations and grammar patterns.
Preparing you to pass! Practise and Pass: A2 Key for Schools offers step-by-step preparation for all school-age students wanting to focus on passing the Cambridge A2 Key for Schools exam. This course provides a mininum of 40 hours of preparation and practise so that you know exactly what to expect on the day.