Aim High is a six-level course that develops language learning through carefully chosen vocabulary (including words from the Oxford 3000™), texts which are interesting, and essential study skills. The Classroom Presentation Tool brings easy-to-use digital features to the front of the classroom for heads-up lessons and the Online Practice (available at levels 1 – 5) provides extra homework activities that can be automatically marked and that teachers can track. Revision and self assessment sections help learners towards exam success and there is extensive testing material too.
This study of native and non-native utterance was based on the theory that the impression of rhythm in spoken English is produced by the serial recurrence of more or less isochronous intervals marked off by stressed syllables and that the periodic movement associated with the rhythmic impulse is produced by the respiratory muscles. Thus a major part of the experimental work was concerned with stress which, in a stress-timed language such as English, is fundamental to the phenomenon of speech rhythm, since it is the feature by which the temporal units are marked.
The peaceful life of a village in Wiltshire is suddenly shattered by a disaster which strikes without reason or explanation, leaving behind it a trail of misery and horror. A yawning, bottomless crack spreads through the earth, out of which creeps a fog that resembles no other. Whatever it is, it must be controlled; for wherever it goes it leaves behind a trail of disaster as hideous as the tragedy that marked its entry into the world. The fog, quite simple, drives people insane.
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 1 July 2016
The Enlightenment has long been seen as synonymous with the beginnings of modern Western intellectual and political culture. As a set of ideas and a social movement, this historical moment, the 'age of reason' of the seventeenth and eighteenth century, is marked by attempts to place knowledge on new foundations.
The Iron Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck -one of Europe's leading statesmen in the 19th Century and credited with the unification of Germany. He had a voracious ambition for his home state Prussia and made it indomitable among other states in the German Confederation. There was also the conflict that marked the beginning of his expansionist aims, a conflict that has gone down in history as a by-word for incomprehensible wars.