Added by: Matildaz | Karma: 9.00 | Black Hole | 11 April 2011
Challenges 1 Student´s book & Workbook
Challenges is the new course for teenagers which gives them everything they need to be successful in learning English. Written by the authors of the global bestseller, ‘Opportunities’,
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This study proposes to make a contribution to the philological reassessment of Gramsci’s legacy, in the perspective of the contemporary revitalisation of Marxism. Both of these elements should be emphasised from the outset, as the ‘content’ and ‘horizon’ of this study. The point of departure for this study is constituted by the influential critiques of Gramsci by Louis Althusser’s contribution to Reading ‘Capital’ and Perry Anderson’s ‘The Antinomies of AntonioGramsci’ in the 1960s and 1970s.
‘Clinical epidemiology’ is now widely promoted and taught as a ‘basic science’ of Evidence-Based Medicine, of clinical EBM to be specific. This book, however, is mostly about that which Miettinen takes to be the necessary substitute for this now-so-fashionable subject – namely, Theory of Clinical Medicine together with its subordinate Theory of Clinical Research.The leit motif in all of this is Miettinen’s perception of the need and opportunity to bring major improvements into clinical medicine in this Information Age, now that theoretical progress has made feasible the development of practice-guiding Expert Systems for it.
West over Sea - Studies in Scandinavian Sea-Borne Expansion and Settlement Before 1300
This volume celebrates the 20th anniversary of Dr Barbara Crawford's Scandinavian Scotland (1987) and her wider contribution to the subject. Thirty contributions appear under the headings of ‘History and cultural contacts’, ‘The church and the cult of saints’, ‘Archaeology, material culture and settlement’, and ‘Place-names and language’.
Added by: azhersaleh | Karma: 53.41 | Black Hole | 12 March 2011
Avant Garde Theatre
‘Avant garde’ has become a ubiquitous label, eclectically applied to any type of art that is anti-traditional in form. At its simplest, the term is sometimes taken to describe what is new at any given time: the leading edge of artistic experiment, which is continually outdated by the next step forward. But‘avant garde’ is by no means value-neutral, as such usage implies. For Marxist critics like George Lukács it became synonymous with decadence, a cultural symptom of the malaise engendered by bourgeois society; for apologists it is the d
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