Did you miss out on learning the basics of grammar at school? Are you learning a foreign language and need to sort out your verbs, nons, adjectives, and adverbs? Ruth Colman's highly successful, user-friendly The Briefest English Grammaer Ever! comes to the rescue. It clearly and simply explains how language works and functions.
Changing Higher Education seeks to make to make sense of the many changes that have taken place in learning and teaching in higher education and offers insights into where teaching and learning might be moving in the future.
Acknowledging the vital influence of Lewis Elton, leading researchers in the field examine and reflect on different aspects of changes to teaching. Focusing on five key areas, they: · Outline changes in higher education and ways of thinking about teaching and learning that have occurred over the last thirty years · Inspect the development of students' learning in higher education · Examine the development of learning technologies in higher education · Consider accreditation and scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education. · Develop a framework through which to understand and question the future development of learning and teaching in higher education Changing HigherEducation provides an in-depth analysis of the changes in learning and teaching that have taken place over the last thirty years. It offers staff and educational developers and those studying postgraduate qualifications in learning and teaching higher education an insightful framework through which to understand and question current and future developments in learning and teaching in higher education.
Modern Languages: Learning and Teaching in an Intercultural Field (Teaching and Learning the Humanities Series)
"This is an important book. A very important book. It is important because it both challenges traditional understandings of language teaching and learning in universities, and rejects new understandings which only devalue the potential power of language learning…. This is not, however, merely a critique. The authors offer a compelling alternative, and do so in a language and style which mirror the alternative proposed. The authors illustrate their ideas through snapshots of classroom practices which help to build up a picture of what is meant. Such illustrations are invaluable" - Teaching in Higher Education
In this much needed resource, Maryellen Weimer-one of the nation's most highly regarded authorities on effective college teaching-offers a comprehensive work on the topic of learner-centered teaching in the college and university classroom. As the author explains, learner-centered teaching focuses attention on what the student is learning, how the student is learning, the conditions under which the student is learning, whether the student is retaining and applying the learning, and how current learning positions the student for future learning. To help educators accomplish the goals of learner-centered teaching, this important book presents the meaning, practice, and ramifications of the learner-centered approach, and how this approach transforms the college classroom environment. Learner-Centered Teaching shows how to tie teaching and curriculum to the process and objectives of learning rather than to the content delivery alone.
In a series of studies specially written for this volume, Studying Speaking to Inform Second Language Learning offers the applied linguist research on spoken interaction in second and foreign languages and provides insights as to how findings from each of these studies may inform language pedagogy. The volume offers an interweaving of discourse perspectives: speech acts, speech events, interactional analysis, pragmatics, and conversational analysis.