This book is for everyone who has heard of NLP but isn’t exactly sure what it is. It’s a book for teachers interested in their own personal development and that the learners for whom they are responsible. It is for people who want to become better teachers and want to help their students become better learners. And it is for anyone who wants to live life more fully…
Отличнейший курс, предназначенный для работников технического сектора (техников, технологов, инженеров и т.д.). Множество заданий для развития устной речи, телефонного и письменного, email и технических аспектов языка. Simple, needs-related language presented clearly and logically, on a need-to-know basis, to help learners start communicating immediately. Tech Talk is for adult learners working in technical jobs in an international context, in-work learners who are technicians, engineers, supervisors, or team leaders. Vocabulary relevant to technical applications.