Fancy updating your skills? Taking a course could provide huge benefits for your life and work. Today, there are lots of different ways to improve your reading, writing and maths skills. You can learn at a college, in an informal group, or even on-line. What’s important is that you learn in the place and at the time that suits you best. The UK Adult ESOL Core Curriculum is the curriculum introduced by the Department of Education and Skills for learners of English in England.
Offers educators frameworks for designing innovative play spaces that provide young children with flexible, inclusive, and stimulating opportunities to learn, develop, and have fun together.
In the Los Angeles office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Special Agent Don Eppes and his team investigate critical and baffling crimes with a special edge. That advantage is Don's brother, Charlies Eppes, a brilliant universalist mathematician who uses the science of mathematics with its complex equations to ferret out the most tricky criminals. With this team, the forces of evil learn their number is up. Parental guidance. Recommended age 12+
Catalyst is a two-book writing series that fills a specific need for high-beginning to low-intermediate-level ESL composition students in college, university, or adult education programs.
Catalyst 1 is for students who plan to take college-level courses, so you need to learn about college writing while you learn basic English grammar, vocabulary, and composition.
Уроки английского на сайте Русской службы Би-би-си Учите слова и выражения, которые используют в реальной жизни в сегодняшней Англии! Рубрика 'Живой язык' Learn the real language охватывает 10 разговорных тем.