Motor Trend Magazine: if you are in the market for a new car or truck, let Motor Trend help through the process of this major investment. Each issue features unparalleled pricing guides, top-notch reviews of the latest cars and trucks plus great color photography detailing the current styles and trends in the automotive industry.
Great films can't be measured scientifically because greatness is extremely subjective. The artistic greatness of films (and other works of art) can never be rated or quantified, although critics, reviewers, and fans still make hundred best lists, all-time greatest lists and generate results of polls. Over a long period of time, it has been found that the English-language films found here in this selection of 100 Greatest Films repeatedly appear on all-time best film lists and are often noted in the collective responses of film viewers.
Growing up, Paul Bunyan was always too big. Too big for the furniture. Too big for regular clothes. Too big to play with the other kids. But out among the tall trees in the great northern forests, Paul felt at home.